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Shots Fired At Rapper Rick Ross’ Car

FT. LAUDERDALE  – The sound of gunfire shattered the early morning quiet along East Las Olas Boulevard.A man and woman were heading East on the popular road when another driver pulled up along side of them and started shooting at them. Stray rounds shattered windows in the Floridian Restaurant and a nearby nail salon.In an effort to escape the hail of lead, the driver swerved the silver Rolls Royce to right on SE 15th Street, crashed through a fence and his car came to rest against an apartment building. The man and woman both got out of the car and left on foot.


Ft. Lauderdale police say the driver of the car was William Roberts, better known as local rapper Rick Ross. The woman was identified as Shateria Morangne-el. Both Roberts and Moragne-el live in Davie.
Beth Balk, who lives in apartment that car ran into, heard it slam through the fence.
“Apparently someone was chasing them,” said Balk. “It was like a giant kaboom. It rocked me off the bed and I went to the front door.”
Balk said the man and woman appeared dazed after the crash.
“Very shaken up, very shaken up,” said Balk. “You don’t expect to hit a building or shot at I suppose.”
An employee of the Floridian restaurant, which is open 24 hours, was outside at the time of the shooting and saw the crash.
“Just pop, pop, pop, I didn’t really count. It happened real quick,” said the employee which did not wish to be named in this report. “It was just squealing his tires, I saw him go by- ran right into the building there.”
Even though the shooter or shooters took off many area residents, business owners and customers are wondering if they’ll come back.
“I’ve never seen anything like this happen. Nothing like this. It’s quiet on Las Olas,” said Balk.
Police are reviewing surveillance videos of area businesses to see if that gives them any more clues on this shooting.
Last month Ross canceled two performances in North Carolina after he received gang threats.  Police have not said if those threats and the Monday morning shooting were related.

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